So first on Saturday, I went to Kiddie Carnival, which is a huge parade of kid in costumes dancing around. Some of the costumes were really elaborate and I can't believe that the kids managed to walk in them, especially with how hot it was. I think the parents were the real troopers though, many had a cooler with water and snacks, were carrying half of their kid's costume, pushing the stroller and trying to get the kids to dance. Woo, lots of work! Here are some of the cute ones!

Then on Sunday night I went to another fete, this one had a much younger crowd, but it felt a bit like a junior high dance. Everyone came in groups and set up camp around the perimeter of the space and swayed back and forth. The middle was void of dancers and you could tell that everyone wanted to dance, they were just too timid to get in the middle and do it. We had fun dancing around our table and tried to venture out into the abyss as much as we could!
I stayed with Christian's parents on Sunday and Monday night...this was a much more traditional Trini house than my neighborhood. The outside walls didn't meet the ceiling and there were open brick sections for air to pass through. The roof was corrugated iron and relatively flat. They said they had lived there for 30 years, and they had a yard full of dogs which they got after two break-ins.
OK, onto Carnival Monday and Tuesday. Monday is the more casual day for costumes and a not quite as populated, but the two days are similar. Pretty much take a college dancing bar, put it in the streets on a really hot day and take away a bunch of clothes. The biggest bands (that's what each parade group is called, they don't play instruments though!) were pretty much girls in bikinis with fancy head pieces. Some of the smaller bands actually had traditional Carnival costumes like from Ye Old Yard. A picture is worth 1000 words, so I'll tell you the rest that way...
A good example of the costumes
The big bands were all inclusive...they had food and drink trucks, an ambulance, and most importantly portable bathrooms!
The best (and sometimes worst) thing was that age, gender, race, rationality and size didn't matter. Everyone was here to have a good time and that was all that mattered! It was great except when there was an older, heavier women really shakin it!
Each section had themes, which usually had a fancy themed costume at the front
This won King of the Bands, which is the big award for the best costume. There is a Queen of the Bands and a Jr. King and Queen too. This is just the front of it, it goes pretty far back!
This was a more traditional hot would that be in 85 degree heat!

I'd like to come back some year and play in a band...but don't worry dad, I will wear something that covers me up!!
I'll put more pictures on facebook if you want to see more!