This is taken from my bed, it shows my shower, closet, the sink sink which is just out of frame to the left and behind the little wall is a toilet
This one is then taken from the bathroom side of the room and shows my bed and kitchenette area. There is also a little desk next to my bed, if you squint you can make out the lamp. The kitchenette consists of a cook top, tiny fridge, microwave, sink and a couple cabinets. It's real little but just perfect for me! Actually everything from the grocery store comes in smaller quantities, so I don't need too much is the opposite of Sam's Club!
This is my private lets out onto a street that is also gated at the end. I love the little stairs up to it, so cute, but it is actually kinda tricky to operate!
This shows my front door and little garden area. It is so nice to sit out here, especially in the mornings. It is quiet and peaceful with birds chirping and it isn't hot yet!
The view from the driveway, isn't it beautiful!
So this is my new place. It is quite small but I really don't need too much room, and it has everything I could need. A quick walk down a decently steep hill gets me to a road where I can catch a Maxi Taxi, the best public transportation around. They are minivans really that drive a specific route and you get in with about 6 or 7 others and get out where you want. I haven't taken one yet...I may tomorrow, so that might be an interesting story!
I'm all unpacked and have found a place for everything, my suitcases are make shift drawers under the bed! I have a little tv in the kitchen area which gets all the US channels, it's nice to be able to watch familiar shows, although the 2 hour difference makes things being on at odd times.
It is quite hot out now, so it is perfect time for a little nap...stay tuned!
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