Friday, April 23, 2010


So there must be something going on this week because I have had some very strange experiences. I have witnessed 3 sperate people, on 3 sperate occations peeing outside. One was on a main road near the Curepe Junction that I travel daily, he was a homeless guy that hangs out there asking for money, but seems always well dressed. He had a creepy smile on his face, like he was so proud of himself for his public urination.
The second was in my neighborhood! Yes, as I was walking up the hill to get to my house a car pulled over, a man got out and went over to a fense. I was trying to figure out what he was doing, at first thinking he was talking to someone on the other side. But he was strangely looking down, and that's when I realized he was peeing. Our neighborhood has a ton of contruction right now and even I know where to find like 5 portapoties...stopping on the side of the road seems quite unnecessary. And wasn't he going home, or at least to someone's house, that would have a bathroom, INSIDE!
Number three occured today in Port of Spain. This one was on a very busy walking street and I literally was about 2 feet from him when I noticed the puddle forming on the side walk. At least this time someone said something to him...
Which brings me to the next very strange occurence that nobody seemed to comment on. Yesterday I say a naked man walking right along the main pick up spot to get a Maxi Taxi. Yup, stark naked...oh except he was carrying his pants draped over his shoulder, good spot for those. We was just strutting along like no big deal. I was in a Maxi, but I kept looking around to see if anyone else was seeing this, anyone else completely appualled by it. I finally asked the other passengers if they saw that and a couple ladies kinda looked wide-eyed back at me and said "Yeah, that was weird." That at least made me feel like less of a crazy person, that I was the only one who seem disturbed what had just occurred.

I'm not sure if any of these strange occurrences have contributed to my feeling today, but I'm really missing home today. Just one of those days you know...

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