Trinis love letters (and stamping things, but that is a whole other matter). You have no idea how many times I have heard "Well you have to make your request in writing by sending a letter to..." some director with a strange title and an impossible to spell name. Just today I was asking to get some information from the hospital like what year it was built and what the bed capacity is, and I was sent away to write a letter with all of the information I want listed. And these letters have a special format and you need fancy letterheads to make them believable. Well today I also learned that in many cases a letter from me is inappropriate because I really am a nobody here. The letter has to come from my mentor, who has a fancy post at the university and is a professor. He must introduce me and my project and then if the person responds positively, I can communicate with them. Well the director of the largest HIV treatment facility and therefore a pretty important piece of my research on HIV facilities, is a bit of an egomaniac and a big protocol nazi and was VERY offended by the fact that I sent him a letter and refused to have "an audience" with me. Now we have to gravel at his high and mighty feet for him to allow me to do any work at his clinic. So while it might have been my cultural error, I really hate writing letters and would prefer to make my own contacts, but it seems that my lowly status will force me into a backseat.
Ok this one is much funnier and more embarrassing...I have a checking account here at Republic Bank and today I went to deposit a check. I also needed to go to the grocery store, so instead of going to my usual bank, I opted to go to the one right next to the store. Thought I was being pretty clever there...turns out not so much. I went in and filled out the deposit slip, waited in line for the teller and went through with the whole transaction. At the end I asked for my balance...$13,000 and some change. WHAT? Holy cow, I was expecting about $2,000 (Trini money, don't forget!). I asked the teller if she was sure, she said yes, so I walked out, slightly confused. While I was getting groceries I started thinking about it and it just wasn't adding up...she said it was a savings account, but it is a checking. There is 6 times more money in there than should be. I headed back to the bank, this couldn't be right, my money had been deposited in someone else's account, that had to be it. I told them what I thought had happened and, looking very concerned, they took my receipt and ID and went to chat. They then came and asked me where my account was...I said I had opened my account on campus. Well guess what-I was at the RBTT bank, which I thought stood for Republic Bank Trinidad and Tobago. It doesn't. They are completely different banks. Yes, I tried to deposit a check at the wrong bank.
You've suffered through all this reading, so here are some pictures
The frogs are invading!! The Logie's have a nice pond and I often find frogs waiting at the gate when I get home at night. It is like they know I'm coming home and that I'll let them in!
At Sports and Family Day for the church I've been going to. This was one of those blindfolded, find the golf balls while your partner shouts directions at you kind of games...we got 2nd!
Can you find me? oh right I'm the really white one in the middle! Here are some of my team members!
Me with the group of people that I came with. Carol is right next to me and was the first person I met at the church.
The habitat house after the last day I was there...I can't believe how far along it is! They are hoping to finish it in the next few weeks.
So there you go...check back soon because on Saturday I'm heading to a bat cave and I'll put up pictures as soon as I can!!
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