"Snake" right before he kissed the poor frog we found on the trail
A pretty view, but check out those rocks...brutal, I'm telling ya
So after a nap I get ready for the big Fashion event!! I got quite a dose of fashion just waiting for my group to show up, the crowd attending the show was quite fashionable. This pretty much means that the men were wearing impossibly tight pants and the girls had tiny little dresses and big, big heels. So once you were in your section, it was open seating, and we picked terrible seats...such fashion show rookies! We couldn't see either spot where the models posed, but we had a good view, unblocked by tall people or big hats. Turns out we picked the night that was all swimwear, which was a little disappointing because I wanted to see some evening wear, but there were some really cute things. And of course there were some really weird and really small things! I am convinced though that I could be a model. I might need to do a few more sit ups and practice a bit with big heals...but I totally could've fit right into that show. Some of the models were not of the anorexic bread, they were actually normal sized, even with a hint of normal-girl love handles. They weren't particularly tall, nor were they particularly good looking and a couple had huge boobs, which is totally uncharacteristic if you've ever seen America's Next Top Model. So watch out Trinidad modeling world...I'm coming!
Me on the runway, the start to a promising career, I'm sure
The group before the show starts...Ocene, who I met that night is from France and an intern at the UN, then Camille, my Trini friend and Pamela, who I also just met and is from Italy. So we had 4 countries represented!
So I'm pretty sure that we totally weren't supposed to video anything, but here is my favorite line..."I Love Trinidad" and it is all red, black and white.
Other exciting events this week:
Research is booming! I've met with reps from the Ministy of Health, learning whole bunches about the computer system pilots. I've started at my first hospital and have things in the works for my next facility.
Wednesday I am going to start playing soccer with a real girls team...with practices and games and everything, so that is cool!
I am quite close to being half way done with my grant, which I can't believe. Some days I'm excited that I'm getting closer to coming home and some days I feel like i have so much more here to do and see, but I'm trying to just get the most out of each day!
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